Saturday, March 13, 2010

I really haven't been THAT non-arty...

Been doing a ton of bookcovers. So many, I have time for little else, squeezed in between mommying and wifery and such. Something's gotta give. BUT! I did sneak in a little study. So here it is. *blap*

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Post-migraine doodle

Man, I HATE migraines. When I have an opportunity, I'm seeing the doctor about 'em. Two days...I'm laid up. And I have a good pain threshold. Annnywho, doodle commencing. I really kept this one loose and a little more cartoony. I just needed to do something for myself, and remind myself I can draw. Sorta. Ref used, some crappy photo from a Michael Kors fashion show. I think he looks like an interesting character, though. Definitely a good guy. Back to your regularly scheduled programming......